Supervised by Marine Hydrophysical Institute of NAS of Ukraine.
Modelling of surface temperature, direction and height of the waves.
Data, received by the Marine Hydrophysics Institute NAS and data on the used models can be received on MHI NAS portal.
To obtain these data it is necessary to be registered on MHI NAS portal.
Data are presented for the period starting from 2006.
The intergovernmental oceanographic commission (IOC) UNESCO was created in 1960 within the limits of UNESCO.
According to the IOC Charter the purpose of Commission is assistance to the international cooperation and coordination of the programs, concerning researches, services and potential strengthening in interests of expansion of knowledge about the nature and resources of ocean and coastal areas, and also usage of this knowledge for management perfection, maintenance of sustainable development, protection of marine environment and simplification of decision-making processes by its member states.
Programs of IOC international cooperation include: studying of ocean's role in the climate changes, estimation of marine environment condition, creation of Global ocean supervision system, development of services of tsunami prevention and international exchange of oceanographic data and information, mapping of the World ocean's bottom, cooperation in preparation and training of experts in the field of marine sciences, including "floating universities" and UNESCO departments of IOC. IOC boards are the Assembly and Executive council. IOC secretariat is situated in the UNESCO headquarters in Paris.
In 2006 among IOC members were 136 states. In IOC activity leading national governmental marine organisations and scientific research institutes of IOC member countries take part. Within the limits of UNESCO IOC is recognised to be the body with a functional autonomy. Within the limits of the United Nations Convention on marine law IOC is recognised as "the competent international organisation in the field of marine researches and sea technology transfer". The United Nations recognised IOC as the key organisation of the United Nations system in the field of marine sciences and services. Many IOC programs are carried out together with other international organisations of the United Nations system (WМО, IМО, FAO, UNEP, IAEA), and also ISH, ICSU, SCOR, ICES, PISES, ICSEMS, etc. Increased role of IOC in the decision of the present global problems was noted by the Conference of the United Nations on environment and development (Rio, 1992) and by the World summit on the sustainable development (Johannesburg, 2002)
Data of Marine Data Management.
According to NOAA and MODIS data.
Data, received by Marine Hydrophysical Institute NAS, can be obtained on the MHI NAS portal.
To get these data it is necessary to be registered on MHI NAS portal.
Data are given for the period since 2004.
MODIS (Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) obtains data on 36 spectral strips in the scope of waves' lengths ranging from 0.4 µm to 14.4 µm in the varying permission (2 strips in 250 m, 5 strips in 500 m and 29 strips in 1 km). It is used for tracing of various global processes in atmosphere, solid Earth, oceans.
Data, received by the Marine Hydrophysics Institute NAS, can be received on the MHI NAS portal.
To obtain these data it is necessary to be registered on MHI NAS portal.
Data are presented for the period starting from 2006.
The interactive map, which allows to display MODIS data red band (#1) (250 m), MODIS NIR band (#2) (250 m), MODIS IR 11 mu band (#31) (1 km), MODIS IR 12 mu band (#32) (1 km) and SRTM data.
Data on Adriatic, Aral, Baltic, Barents, Black, Caspian, Kara, etc. seas.
Satellite data of NOAA, TERRA, AQUA, «Метеор-3М», «ГОМС», «РЕСУРС01», «ОКЕАН».
Data, received by the Laboratory «Information support of space monitoring» IKI RAS.
The coast and the shelf of the Black Sea have always been strategically important resources for Russia in many ways. Numerous seaside resorts of the Black Sea are widely known not only in Russia but also abroad and have been very popular tourist attraction in Eurasia. Many of them are world class resorts that can compete with western ones. The current plans of region development (including construction of the Olympic complex for Sochi 2014) are aiming to transform the Black Sea coast into one of the world leading resort areas both for summer and winter tourism.
The Black Sea coast and its shelf are also important as an industrial area with developed (and growing) oil production and high level of cargo shipping. Krasnodar territory, the only Russian region on the Black Sea, possesses vast resources of oil and gas and the production has been constantly growing in recent years. Here is also situated one of the biggest Russian seaports – Novorossiysk, which is the second largest oil terminal in the country and the main in the Russian Black Sea coast area.
Realizing the scale of anthropogenic influence in the region, «Geomarketing Research Center» initiated the regular space monitoring of the Black Sea waters and the coastline, including Novorossiysk, Gelengik, Tuapse and Sochi. Using the space monitoring data the project is aiming to solve two independent problems:
For both problems the same data set of satellite images is supposed to be used, which illustrates the idea of complex approach to Earth monitoring for studying crucial geo-ecological processes.
The project goals are:
Satellite data on the surface temperature of the Black sea according to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) data.
Data, received by the Marine Hydrophysics Institute NAS and data on the used models can be received on MHI NAS portal.
To obtain these data it is necessary to be registered on MHI NAS portal.
Data are presented for the period starting from 2004.
USIWO — Russian Uniform State System of Information on Conditions in the World ocean.
USIWO represents the interdepartmental distributed system of information on conditions in the World ocean.
The huge catalogue of metadata on the arrays and databases, atlases, codifiers and experts in the field of research of the World ocean, and data on information technologies of data processing, data on models and methods of calculations, formats, terms, catalogue of the marine organisations.