The Conference of the World Data System Science Committee


The scientific head of World Data Center for Geoinformatics and Sustainable development — academic of the National Academy of the Science of Ukraine (NAS) Michael Zgurovsky who is also a member of Scientific Committee of World Data System (WDS) took part in the First meeting of this Committee in Paris (France) from 13th till 14th of October.

During the first day the most attention was payed to some organizational questions such as the consolidation of the World Data Centers and Federation of Astronomic and Geophysical Analytical Services, certification processes, data publication and creation of global system of the systems and on-line portal of WDS The next day, participants of the meeting worked on the practical side of the question, especially on representation of interests, abilities and obligations of the regional communities which work with data.

On the second half of the day, participants discussed the Constitution and the Status of the new World Data System, also the plans and the further steps for WDS development.

Conference of the World Data System Science Committee

Conference of the World Data System Science Committee