On the 5th of September the meeting of the Russian-Ukrainian segment of the World Data Centers (WDC) was held on International conference “The Results of Electronic Geophysical Year” that took place in Pereslav-Zalisk (Russian Federation) from the 3rd till 6th of June 2009.
Representatives of five Russian and one Ukrainian WDC took part in the meeting, and also the head and the secretary of Transition Committee in bringing WDC to the World Data System (WDS) were present.
During the discussion following questions were considered: the procedure of WDC acceptance to the World Data System (WDS), meaning that not all existing WDC and Services automatically will become a part of newly founded WDS, also the opportunity of implementation of Russian representative to one of the Committees of WDS (Scientific Committee or Committee for Data and Information) also the plan of the work of the Russian-Ukrainian segment Council of WDC.
According to the results of discussion such decisions were made:
- Russia and Ukraine will together enter the new World Data System (WDS) as a member of the Only Russian-Ukrainian segment of WDC.
- The Council of Russian-Ukrainian segment WDC should make an appeal to the International Council of Science about the necessity of Russia representation in the managing organs of World Data System, because representation of data from Russia in WDS depends on that.
- With the purpose of development and consolidation of Russian and Ukrainian WDC cooperation to conduct the meetings of the Council Russian-Ukrainian WDC segment with the participation of the Center directors approximately once in 3 months.
The meeting of Russian-Ukrainian segment of WDC in Pereslav-Zalisk