One of the most important directions of activity thanks to which NTUU “KPI” is famous in the world is accumulation and analysis of scientific data concerning world sustainable development. The program is realized through Ukrainian World Data Center for geoinformatics and sustainable development.
In UNO formulation sustainable development is a level of society development that allows satisfying the needs of modern generations and in the same time not depriving the next generations of the possibilities to satisfy their needs.
To the key tasks of sustainable development refer: renewal and further keeping of natural ecosystems and their ability to self-reproduction in required volume and necessary area; providing in addition to that, leading solution of the economical, social, demographic and spiritual development problems; coordination of economical development tempo with economical capacity of ecosystems. To analyze the condition of sustainable development scientists defined the group of social, economical and ecological indices, according to which calculations were made.
The next stage activity of NTUU “KPI” researchers under scientific guidance of academician of NAS of Ukraine M. Zgurovsky has become a publication of scientific analytical survey “Ukraine in the Indices of Sustainable Development”. The system of factors (indices and indicators) is offered in this book and metrics for sustainable development processes for different regions of Ukraine measurement is also worked out. The initial data provided by Ukrainian State Committee on Statistics and proper ministries were used for measurements. The main shortcomings and advantages of different regions on the way to sustainable development were defined. The book is designed for scientific workers, lecturers, students and aspirants that are involved in questions of regional policy, also for heads of central and regional authority and local government administration.
On a proposal of publishing house “Media invest group”, that is a founder of economical papers and magazines in Ukraine and that became interested in highlighting of main developments of Kyiv polytechnics concerning sustainable development in Ukraine, on the 15th of December there was a meeting of main editors of these publications along with scientists of NTUU “KPI” that work in the field of sustainable development. Representatives of media have received full information concerning methods of data collection and processing, possible prognoses (making them more precise) for regions of Ukraine, branches of economics, separate cities etc, and concerning preparation of proper experts in administrative management in our University. Explanations and answers on numeral questions were given by academician M. Zgurovsky and Professor G. Statyukha.
In particular, it was stated that Ukraine has a chance to use the world’s best experience of harmonized, sustainable development of society, in which people’s prosperity, environment, natural resources and human’s capital is put into achievements of science, education, leading technologies and high moral qualities and are indivisible and equivalent categories that mutually supplement and enrich each other.