- Management
- Laboratory of Computer Modeling and Intelligent Data Analysis
- Laboratory of Geoinformation Systems
- Laboratory of Big Data Analysis in Cyber-Physical Systems
- Experts
- Advisors
- Administrative and technical department
Michael Zgurovsky |
PresidentDoctor of Technical Sciences (1984), Professor (1985), Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine (both 1995), Corresponding Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (2022), Member of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine since 1996. Since 1992, Michael Zgurovsky holds the position of the Rector of National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”. Under the scientific supervision of M. Zgurovsky are the Institute for Applied System Analysis of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the World Data Center for Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development. Areas of specialization are cybernetics, mathematics and system analysis, intelligent big data analysis and decision making theory. M. Zgurovsky has generalized the basic principles of the systems analysis theory, developed the fundamentals of systems mathematics, and suggested a new approach to the theory of extreme tasks for non-linear operators, differential-operator equations and inclusions, and variational inequalities. The most well-knows applications of the findings of his scientific studies pertain to the field of mathematical geophysics, geoinformatics, and social and economic issues of the modern society. He is the author of more than 820 scientific works (bibliography). |
Kostiantyn Yefremov |
Chief AdvisorCandidate of Engineering Sciences (Information Technologies), Associate Professor at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polyechnic Institute. Member of the Executive Board in the Ukrainian National Committee for CODATA (2008); Member of the National Secretariat of Black Sea Universities Network (BSUN) (2008). Areas of scientific interests: design and development of problem-oriented databases, problem-oriented systems based on web-technology, intelligent Internet technology, multi-agent systems, data analysis and integration, sustainable development. He is the author of more than 80 scientific works. E-mail: k.yefremov@wdc.org.ua |
Ivan Pyshnograiev Acting director, head of the Laboratory for econometrics and forecastingPhD in Math. Assoc. Prof. at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polyechnic Institute.
Areas of scientific interests: data analysis, operation research, optimal control, sustainable development. E-mail: pyshnograiev@wdc.org.ua |
Iryna Dzhygyrey Head of Laboratory for environmental sustainability monitoringCandidate of Engineering Sciences, Head of Department of Artificial Intelligence at ISC "IASA".
Areas of scientific interests: synthesis of the distributed technological systems, evaluation of ecological sustainability. E-mail: dzhygyrey@wdc.org.ua |
Sergii Voitko Head of the Laboratory for the global economy, regional research and microeconomicsDoctor of Economics, Head of the Department of International Economics, Faculty of Management and Marketing, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polyechnic Institute.
Areas of scientific interests: management of knowledge-intensive enterprises, high-tech economy, Industry 4.0, economic analysis. E-mail: voytko@wdc.org.ua |
Laboratory of Computer Modeling and Intelligent Data Analysis
Andriy Boldak Head of Laboratory for computer modelling and intelligent data analysisCandidate of Engineering Sciences (Information Technologies), Associate Professor.
Areas of scientific interests: data reliability, validity and consistency, multivariate data exploration techniques, data integration and indices design, application of cause-effect models, image processing and patterns recognition, design and development information system. E-mail: boldak@wdc.org.ua
Dmytro ShutiakText Mining specialistData collection and processing, application development.
E-mail: shutiak@wdc.org.ua
Volodymyr Dashchenko Junior researcher, graduate studentAnalyst. Work with documents on intellectual property protection.
Borys ShumarText Mining specialistData collection and processing, application development.
Olekdandr PokhylenkoText Mining specialistData collection and processing, application development.
Laboratory of Geoinformation Systems
Sergii Gapon Head of GIS laboratoryAreas of scientific interests: development of GIS applications, spatial data analysis, geoinformatics. E-mail: gapon@wdc.org.ua
Karolina Borovyk GIS analystSpatial data collection and processing, application development.
E-mail: borovyk@wdc.org.ua
Alina Hashchevatska GIS analystSpatial data collection and processing, application development.
E-mail: hashchevatska@wdc.org.ua
Laboratory of Big Data Analysis in Cyber-Physical Systems
Dmitry Lande Head of the Laboratory of Big Data analysis in cyberphysical systemsDoctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of specialized modeling tools at the Institute of Information Registration Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Areas of scientific interests: semantic analysis, computational linguistics, information security, semantic search. E-mail: dwlande@gmail.com |
Artem Soboliev Researcher, Text AnalystCandidate of Technical Sciences. Development of the Text Mining algorithms, models and tools. E-mail: soboliev@wdc.org.ua
Oleg Dmytrenko Junior Researcher, Text AnalystDevelopment of the Text Mining algorithms, models and tools. E-mail: dmytrenko@wdc.org.ua
Anatolii Melnychenko ExpertCandidate of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Rector of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polyechnic Institute.
Areas of scientific interests: philosophy of education, philosophy of management, methods of social forecasting and modeling. E-mail: melnichenko@kpi.ua
Petro Bidyuk ExpertCandidate of Engineering Sciences, Professor at the Department of mathematical methods of system analysis of ISC "IASA".
Areas of scientific interests: control theory for the analysis of dynamic processes in finance, economics and human engineering, Bayesian networks, fuzzy set theory, decision making. E-mail: pbidyuke_00@ukr.net
Pavlo Kasyanov ExpertDoctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding member of the NAS of Ukraine, Director of the Educational and Scientific Complex "Institute of Applied Systems Analysis". Head of the Research Department of System Mathematics.
Areas of scientific interests: nonlinear analysis of mathematical models of geophysical processes and fields; multivalued analysis of solutions of differential-operator inclusions and multivariate inequalities in infinite-dimensional spaces; problems of control theory. E-mail: kasyanov@i.ua |
Mark Zheleznyak ExpertCandidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Researcher.
Areas of scientific interests: environmental modelling in swatershed hydrology, river flow, flood forecasting, coastal hydrodynamics – waves (including tsunami), currents, turbulence, sediment transport, radionuclide transport in surface waters, decision support systems for nuclear emergency management. E-mail: mark@immsp.kiev.ua
Anna Ishchenko ExpertDirector of Scientific research centre of applied sociology “Socioplus”.
Areas of scientific interests: philosophy of education, methods of social forecasting and modeling. E-mail: ishchenko.kpi@gmail.com
Maryna Kravchenko ExpertDoctor of Economics, Professor.
Areas of scientific interests: economic sustainability, economic dimension of sustainable development, energy security, global economic processes, decarbonisation of industry. E-mail: marina.kravchenko.kpi@gmail.com |
Kateryna Boiarynova ExpertDoctor of Economics, Professor.
Areas of scientific interests: economic sustainability, economic dimension of sustainable development, energy security, global economic processes, decarbonisation of industry. E-mail: k.boiarynova@kpi.ua |
Vadym Kondratiuk ExpertDoctor of Technical Sciences, Vice-Rector of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polyechnic Institute.
Areas of scientific interests: intensification of heat and mass transfer processes, improvement of safety of nuclear power plants, modernization of pumping equipment at nuclear power plants, qualification and modernization of accident management systems at nuclear power plants, control of nuclear power plants in extreme operating conditions. E-mail: prorector-agr@kpi.ua
Yurii Zaychenko ExpertDoctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Second Higher and Postgraduate Education of ISC "IASA". Areas of scientific interests: mathematical methods of decision making, decision support systems, forecasting methods, systems with fuzzy logic and fuzzy neural networks in the problems of analysis and forecasting in macroeconomics and finance. E-mail: zaychenkoyuri@ukr.net
Sergii Telenyk Expert
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.
Areas of scientific interests: structured programming, logics of higher orders; problems of telecommunications; information technology and algorithmization in management; concept, models, algorithms and tools of adaptive technologies of information and management systems creation. E-mail: telenik@auts.ntu-kpi.kiev.ua
Oleksii Novikov Advisor, Scientific Advisor of the Laboratory of Big Data analysis in cyberphysical systemsDoctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding member of the NAS of Ukraine, Director of the Institute of Physics and Technology of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polyechnic Institute.
Areas of scientific interests: mathematical modeling, analysis and control of non-classical spatially distributed physical processes, information protection in information and communication systems. E-mail: o.novikov@kpi.ua |
Olena Akimova AdvisorCandidate of Philosophical Sciences.
Areas of scientific interests: open data, good governance, public engagement, policy analysis, sustainable development. E-mail: olena.kasatkina@gmail.com |
Daniel Benatov AdvisorPartner of Patent & TM bureau "Dr. Emil Benatov & Рartners".
Areas of scientific interests: intellectual property, system analysis of natural and technogenic security problems. E-mail: benatov@wdc.org.ua
Anatoliy Shmurak AdvisorHead of the Department of the registry, information and technical support of State Environmental Investment Agency of Ukraine.
Areas of scientific interests: system analysis, geographic information systems, hydrological spatial modelling, environmental monitoring, environmental information systems, early warning system administration, SoE reporting, environmental information’ dissemination, mathematic spatial modelling of climate change, environmental spatial information analysis, verification, validation, carbon units registry systems, carbon units trading systems. E-mail: shmurak@i.ua
Yoshio Matsuki AdvisorDoctor of Energy Science, Professor.
Areas of scientific interests: mathematical modeling, environmental monitoring, energy system analysis, nuclear plant monitoring, environmental impact assessment. E-mail: matsuki@wdc.org.ua
Oleksandr Makarenko AdvisorDoctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor.
Areas of scientific interests: hyperbolic equations of heat conduction, development of numerous methods for differential equation of mathematical physics, measures of complexity and informational content of individual objects, mathematic modeling of global processes in large social and economic systems, modeling and prediction of geopolitical relations, construction and application of different artificial neural networks in theory and practice, cellular automaton, sustainable development, prediction systems, electronic control. E-mail: makalex@i.com.ua
Olga Demydenko AdvisorThe candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department of theory, practice and translation of the English language, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Linguistics for work with students.
Areas of scientific interests: culture-oriented linguistics, theory of translation, psycholinguistics, gender linguistic researches. |
Olga Kupenko AdvisorDoctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the National Technical University "Dnipro Polytechnic".
Areas of scientific interests: study of optimal control problems in nonsmooth and unbounded coefficients of nonlinear elliptic equations and variational elliptic inequalities that can allow degeneracy, in terms of such aspects as solvability, resistance to perturbation of the initial region, achievability of solutions of degenerate optimal control problems. E-mail: kupenko.olga@gmail.com
Mariia Perestiuk AdvisorCandidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Director of the Institute for Monitoring the Quality of Education of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polyechnic Institute.
Areas of scientific interests: research of global conflicts, economic cycles, mathematical modeling of complex systems. E-mail: eqmi@kpi.ua
Victor Sineglazov AdvisorDoctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Aviation Computer-Integrated Complexes of the National Aviation University.
Areas of scientific interests: automated design, renewable energy sources, processing of the results of field experiments, automatic and automated aircraft control systems. E-mail: svm@nau.edu.ua
Administrative and technical department
Oleksandr Avramenko
Vitalii BasarabHead of Technical Support DepartmentTechnical issues.
E-mail: basarab@wdc.org.ua
Tetiana Velykorusova Head of the administrative groupOrganizational issues.
E-mail: t.velykorusova@wdc.org.ua
Ruslan PriadunTechnical support specialistTechnical issues.
E-mail: priadun@wdc.org.ua