Scientists and specialists of seven countries gathered in Uglitch on international conference to exchange the experience of modern geomagnetic equipment usage and to discuss were new INTERMAGNET observatories could be opened in Russia.
The conference "Artificial Intelligence in the Earth’s Magnetic Field Study. INTERMAGNET Russian Segment" was held in Uglitch at 26 -28th of January. Scientists from France, Hungary, England, USA, Japan, Canada, Ukraine, Germany and Russia were present there.
During the opening ceremony the director of Geophysical Center and the head of Russian Academy of Science (RAS) Geophysical Committee, doctor of mathematical sciences – O. Gvyshiani, one of the INTERMAGNET administration representatives, professor Arnaud Chulliat (France), secretary general of International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA) Mioara Mandea, greeted the scientists.
According to the words of the conference organizers: “The problem of the study of Earth’s magnetic field influence shouldn’t be underestimated. With the development of anthropogenic infrastructure of modern society the dependence on abnormal phenomena in the magnetic field behavior is also rising. The main threat is the powerful magnetic storm that influence the systems of energy supply, air transportation and people’s health” One of the main topics of the conference was the discussion where INTERMAGNET observatories should be opened in the nearest future. Scientists had also discussed new methods of geomagnetic data processing, and shared their experience in the usage of new professional equipment. Also the meeting between RAS institutes that support the work of Russian INTERMAGNET observatories and the institutes (like RAS and Hydrometeorological centre of Russia) which will support the new observatories of the INTERMAGNET standard took place. This meeting resulted in uniting the efforts for establishment and development of Russian segment of INTERMAGNET.
In whole, a wide spectrum of the Russian and foreign researches of Earth’s magnetic field was represented during the conference. Scientists were actively exchanging their ideas, and held meetings in a form of brain storming, but what is the most important – they solved some organizational questions and created a group for further development of Russian segment of INTERMAGNET that already consists of 5 geophysical observatories; 10 more observatories will be opened in the nearest future.
As INTERMAGNET administration representative professor Arnaud Chulliat (France) has pointed out the community of Russian geomagnetic scientists will keep the active position in the development of science that is connected with the launch of 3 satellites on the low orbits. The launch will be carried out by European Space Agency.
In the terms of the conference there was also held the meeting of Russian-Ukrainian Segment World Data Centers (WDC) heads – E. Kharin (WDC for Solar-Terrestrial Physics), N. Sergeeva (WDC for Solid Earth Physics, Russia) K. Yefremov (WDC for Geoinformatics and Sustainable development, Ukraine) and the representative of the WDS Scientific Committee Pierre Cilliers. They’ve discussed the issues of future structure, and prospective of World Data System.