- Ukrainians diasporа
- Europe. Population
- Election to The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2006
- Eastern slavs and their neighbours (5th-9th c.)
- Zaporozhian sich (1709-1775). Settling of zaporozhian cossacks after 1775
- Ukrainian SSR. Administratve-territorial changes (1946-1990)
- Geomorphological structure (Morphostructure and morphosculpture)
- Air temperature variations in the 20th c.
- Flood and high water
- Soils
- Vegetation
- Landscapes
- Mineral resources of the Black sea and the sea of Azov
- Population distribution (network of settlements)
- Ukrainians in the region population
- Ukraine in world economy
- Engineering industry
- Territory pollution with caesium-137 (aftermath of the Chornobyl' accident, 1986)
- Contemporary landscape state