Release «Spatial Modeling and Applications for SDI» course of postgraduate students


On June 27, 2017, in ESC «World Data Center for Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development» release «Spatial Modeling and Applications for SDI» course of postgraduate students from state authorities was issued, which was delivered within the framework of the Canadian-Ukrainian educational project "Laying the Foundation for a Spatial Data Infrastructure: Building Capacity within the Ukrainian Government to Support Sustainable Economic Growth", which is being implemented in Ukraine with the support of Vancouver Island University and its Ukrainian partners.

The project lasts for four years. During this time, about 150 specialists from various state institutions were prepared, who are ready to work on the development of the national spatial data infrastructure in their organizations. According to the results of the issue, 32 representatives of state authorities received a certificate of Vancouver Island University and a certificate of advanced training of Igor Sikorsky KPI.
According to the schedule of the project, the course «Spatial Modeling and Applications for SDI» is presented only once, since it is intended for the training of specialists with a high level of knowledge in the field of geospatial technologies, including the teachers of other universities. The course includes practical work, developed on the basis of sets of geospatial data of the territory of Ukraine, which allow gaining knowledge on the creation of spatial models by means of visual programming, network analysis, construction of cost of surface, geostatistics and other areas of мodeling.
The peculiarity of the courses is completely distance learning, which is provided by using the electronic distance learning system Moodle and the server for remote access to geoinformation software products.
