Service for visualization of geomagnetic data was developed by World Data Center for Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development, it displays plots of geomagnetic information from Ukrainian magnetic observatories.
Ukraine has 4 stations, one of them is located in Antarctic (Argentine islands/AIA), two of them (Argentine islands/AIA and Lviv/LVV) already belong to INTERMAGNET observation network, two others (Odessa/ODE and Kiev/KIV) are being connected at the moment. Ukrainian geomagnetic observatories are supervised by Institute of Geophysics of NAS of Ukraine.
By default data for the current day are shown, but data for any date can be selected. If definitive data are available they will be used, otherwise preliminary data will be displayed. User can choose observatory from the list at the top of resource. Service allows the download of geomagnetic data in data format IMFV1.22 INTERMAGNET GIN Dissemination Format for Minute Values. Also user can compare data from several different stations for the selected period of time.
If it is no data for selected date, buttons "Show selected magnirtogram" and "Download data" will be disabled. For averaging the data check "Average" and to smooth the graph check "Smooth". Also at the bottom part of charts you can set the period of visualization. For creating copy of charts click the right button of mouse and in menu press "Export as image".