The portal provides a convenient access to some IRIS services and monitors. It allows data for researching of seismology and gives a possibility to visualize this data by monitors.
Sun Calculator
Service provides the public access to data about times of twilight, sunset and sunrise in the world. This data based on based on Astronomy Answers formulae.
To access Sun Calculator press here.
Services for visualization of geomagnetic data
Service for visualization of geomagnetic data was developed by World Data Center for Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development, it displays plots of geomagnetic information from Ukrainian magnetic observatories.
System SPIDR
The Space Physics Interactive Data Resource (SPIDR) is designed to allow a solar terrestrial physics customer to intelligently access and manage historical space physics data for integration with environment models and space weather forecasts.
SPIDR is a distributed network of synchronous databases and 100% Java middle-ware servers accessed via the World Wide Web. By enabling easy data mirroring and eliminating the network bottlenecks associated with transcontinental links, the distributed system architecture is a key factor for low latency in multimedia data visualization and fast data delivery.