Remote sensing data for Ukraine

Catalogs satellite images and interactive maps based on satellite data and other information Ukrainian laboratories, on the territory of Ukraine.

World EOS/ERS data

ERS - Earth Remote Sensing
EOS - Earth Observation Server

Description Remote Sensing of the Earth data and satellites

File Formats processing facility, removing the names and characteristics of satellites (Landsat, Terra, Alos, QuickBird, Monitor-E and others).

  • Information on remote sensing data and their processing for GIS-LAB.
  • Description of the satellites that are in remote sensing Sovzond.

Researches on the basis of Remote Sensing the Earth

Reviews of research results.

Data on the research of the Institute of Geophysics. I.S. Subbotin, the departments of the institute.

Archive of pictures of the Earth from satellite Blue Marble

Blue Marble: View of the eastern hemisphere