News & Events

Visit of the delegation of CIS Interparliamentary Assembly on Science and Education

Visit of the delegation of CIS Interparliamentary Assembly  on Science and Education  (NTUU

Members of the Standing Committee of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly on Science and Education attended the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" on Friday, April 29 - press-service of "KPI".

Volodymyr Semynozhenko has visited NTUU "KPI"

M. Ilchenko, V. Semynozhenko, Y. Yakymenko, M. Zgurovsky (

Volodymyr Semynozhenko - the head of State Agency of Ukraine on Science, Innovation and Information, academician of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NAS) visited NTUU "KPI" on April 4 - press service of NTUU "KPI".

Visit of the delegation of University College of Gjøvik (Kingdom of Norway)

Зустріч з представниками Університетського коледжу м.Гйовік (прес-служба НТУУ

Meeting of scientists and teachers of NTU "KPI" with the delegation of University College of Gjøvik (Kingdom of Norway) took place at March 18, 2011 at the World Data Center for Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development (WDC-Ukraine) - press service of NTUU "KPI".

Scientists have discussed the future of Russian magnetic observatories on international conference in Uglitch


Scientists and specialists of seven countries gathered in Uglitch on international conference to exchange the experience of modern geomagnetic equipment usage and to discuss were new INTERMAGNET observatories could be opened in Russia.

The conference "Artificial Intelligence in the Earth’s Magnetic Field Study. INTERMAGNET Russian Segment" was held in Uglitch at 26 -28th of January. Scientists from France, Hungary, England, USA, Japan, Canada, Ukraine, Germany and Russia were present there.

Opening of World Data System International Program Office in the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Tokyo (Japan)


At the end of December, 2010, representatives of International Council for Science (ICSU) executive board visited National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Tokyo, Japan that has generously offered to host and financially support the International Program Office (IPO) for ICSU World Data System (ICSU WDS).

Evolution Inclusions and Variation Inequalities for Earth Data Processing


Two volumes of ''Evolution Inclusions and Variation Inequalities for Earth Data Processing" (authors: Zgurovsky Mikhail Z., Mel'nik Valery S., Kasyanov Pavlo O.) were published by Springer. In which our researchers present modern mathematical methods to solve problems of differential-operator inclusions and evolution variation inequalities which may occur in fields such as geophysics, aerohydrodynamics, or fluid dynamics.

Geodynamical Phenomena: From Observations to Modeling


Earthquakes and eruptions frightened people from ancient times, but in the XXth century, the development of science and technology allowed to forecast such phenomena. These forecasts, during the last century, were based on observations, and the results were fairly inaccurate, because of the various technological factors influence and the quality of geological environment to be in constant motion.

KPI will consult environmentalists


NTUU «KPI» signed a memorandum with the National Environmental Investment Agency on cooperation, which will provide a comprehensive scientific analysis of innovations that improve the environment.

Hilary Rodham Clinton – Secretary of State the USA visited NTUU “KPI”


On July 2, 2010 Secretary of State of the USA Hilary Rodham Clinton visited NTUU “KPI” within the scopes of her 4th Ukrainian visit.

Representatives of mass media, public and international organizations and of course the best students of Kyiv universities, including NTUU “KPI”, took part in the event.

Joint meeting of Science and Education Committee of Verkhovna Rada and Informatization advisory council attached to Verkhovna Rada


On May 17, 2010 Joint meeting of Science and Education Committee of Verkhovna Rada and Informatization advisory council attached to Verkhovna Rada took place.

Questions concerning a condition of sustainable development concept in Ukraine and building of informational society were considered during the conference, also the participants listened the report of a draft-law - “Basic elements of sustainable development in Ukraine”.

Round table for education in sphere of sustainable development


Round table meeting for problems of sustainable development took place at NTUU “KPI” on April, 27. Ukrainian experts and guests participated in it. Guests from St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University: V. Kozlov, vice-rector for academic methodology, head of subdepartment of “System Analysis and Management” of engineering cybernetics department, A. Yefremov – deputy director of this department, from Warsaw University of Technologies: Franciszek Krok – vice-rector for academic affairs, Krystof Zmievski  - professor of civil engineering faculty, Lukash Voydyga – deputy director of Center for Internetional Cooperation, Bohdan Utrysko – responsible for admission of students to WUT.

Round Table Meeting on the subject of “Subjectivity of Ukraine”


On April 28, 2010 round table meeting on the subject of “Subjectivity of Ukraine” took place in Kiev as a part of “Academy of future” project.

XII International Conference on Science and Technology SAIT-2010

XII International Conference on Science and Technology SAIT-2010

At the 25–29 of May, 2010 in Kyiv (Ukraine) Twelfth International Conference on Science and Technology “System Analysis and Information Technologies” will be held.

We invite scientists, postgraduates, students, and employees from scientific academies and industry to take part in this conference. More details you can find at the conference page.

Interview with M. Zgurovsky


In the newspaper "Economic News" published an interview with the Rector of NTUU "Kiev Polytechnic Institute”, director of the Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, NAS and MES of Ukraine, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Mikhail Zgurovsky devoted to the work of the World Data Center for Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development, as well as clarify the concept of sustainable development and its status in Ukraine and the world.

International conference "Geodynamical phenomena: from Observations and Experiments to Theory and Modeling"


From 20 till 24 of September 2010 in Kiev will be International conference "Geodynamical phenomena: from Observations and Experiments to Theory and Modeling".

Preliminary registration of participants of Conference till 15th of April 2010. More detailed about conference find at web-site.