The first meeting of the National nomination committee of Ukraine on the Nobel Sustainability Trust
International conference "Formation of the National Geospatial Data Infrastructure in the Context of Building a Digital Society"
Free access to IBM Cloud
As a result of the cooperation between IBM Cognitive Class, Integrated Technology Laboratory LLC. (INTELA) and World Data Center for Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development of NTUU "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" and for capacity building in the use of data mining technologies: |
Trainings by Intela and IBM at Igor Sikorsky KPI
From 12 to 19 August 2017 in the Igor Sikorsky KPI a series of trainings "Data Science Bootcamp" was organized by the American company Integrated Technology Laboratory LLC (Intela) for the improvement of the qualification of teachers and scientists of Ukrainian universities in the field of intellectual data analysis. |
Release «Spatial Modeling and Applications for SDI» course of postgraduate students
Nanosatellite created by a team of KPI released on his own orbit and made contact with the developers
Presentation of Doctrine of sustainable development of Ukraine "Ukraine 2030"
Series of modern textbooks for Geoinformatics in Igor Sikorsky KPI
The development of modern information technology requires constant updating courses and programs. In particular, the direction of spatial data infrastructure and geographic information technologies in Ukraine are not enough equipped with modern Ukrainian-speaking educational literature. Therefore, prepared of two textbooks in the field of geographic information technologies in ESC "World Data Center for Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development" is an important event not only for Igor Sikorsky KPI, but all Ukrainian scientific and educational community in this area. Preparations of textbooks was carried out jointly by Canadian and Ukrainian experts as part of project of the technical support "Laying the foundations spatial data infrastructure: ensuring the base in the Ukrainian government to support sustainable economic growth". Both textbooks have received Methodological Council recommendation and Academic Council neck of Igor Sikorsky KPI. |